
In the course of doctoral studies comprising 8 semesters, the basic requirement is to earn at least 240 credits. Doctoral studies are two-phased: the first four semesters are dedicated to ”training and research”, whereas the second phase aims ”research and dissertation writing”. On accomplishing the fourth semester, students need to pass successfully a ‘complex exam’ as a final requisite of the first phase completed, and as a criterion for starting the second phase. This complex exam assesses and evaluates the results of the doctoral student achieved both in their studies and research. Doctoral students are required to submit their doctoral dissertation not later than three years after passing the complex exam successfully. The scholarship for the doctoral studies is 140, 000 HUF per month in the first phase, i.e. the research and training phase, and 180, 000 HUF in the research and dissertation, i.e. the second phase. Upon successfully defending the dissertation, the doctoral student is awarded 400, 000 HUF as a one-time compensation.

Application criteria, admission requirements for doctoral programs:

a.) law degree earned upon merits (cum laude and higher university degree) after five years of study at a faculty of law and political sciences, from a Hungarian university;

b.) the Council of the Doctoral School will decide about accepting the admission request of those applicants

  • who hold a degree, earned from a faculty of law and political sciences of a foreign university, of no official recognition/lacking nationalization in our country. A degree earned in a foreign country shall be natitonalized prior to applying for doctoral studies, in compliance with the pertinent regulations;
  • who hold a degree different than law and political sciences;

c.) students applying for doctoral studies upon successfully passing the final exam shall attach their certificate of completion issued by the Registrar. In this particular case, admission is an issue pending upon the qualification: a degree lower than ‘cum laude’ disqualifies admission to the doctoral school; 

d.) foreign language skills; to master two foreign languages well enough for doing research and performing in the particular branch of science. The minimum language acquisition skill is to be sustained by an accredited B2 (complex) language exam certificate or an equivalent of that. For the deaf the requirement may also be certifying foreign sign language acquisition; likewise, a doctoral student from a foreign country is required to prove, beside his/her non-Hungarian mother tongue, a different foreign language skill.

When reasonable and with particular attention to the selected research area, upon the recommendation of the Admission Committee of the Doctoral School, the Council is entitled to accept an applicant holding a C certificate of intermediate level language skill for a living language and one for a dead language or, also, an equivalent certificate for each at intermediate level.

In an extraordinary case, the Council may admit an applicant holding an accredited B2 (complex) language exam certificate or an equivalent of that on the following condition:

In order for the doctoral student to present for the complex exam, it is a prerequisite to prove the second foreign language acquisition at B2 level by an accredited complex exam certificate. As for the other foreign language knowledge, the consultant shall certify the skill and aptitude of the doctoral student to have acquired in the topic of the doctoral research.